When We Deny Jesus, We are Antichrists

Today, we celebrate two great saints, Basil and Gregory. Born in Caesarea, Cappadocia (Turkey) in 329, St. Basil followed the monastic way of life. As a powerful preacher, he vigorously fought the Arian heresy. Born in the same year (329), St. Gregory of Nazianzen was a friend of Basil and followed the monastic way of life for many years. He became the Patriarch of Constantinople and was a great theologian, defending the Catholic faith. Like John the Baptist, these two saints, bishops, outstanding theologians, and doctors of the Church prepared the way for the Lord. Does my behaviour prepare the way for Christ?

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When We Deny Jesus, We are Antichrists

We are against Jesus (anti-Christ) when we refuse to allow Christ’s words to govern our thoughts and actions. We are antichrists when, as men of God, we mislead our flock or fail to practice what we preach. We deny Christ when we refuse to use our position to advance the Gospel. John the Baptist rose to a certain position of social influence. He had become popular, attracting large crowds.

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How not to be an Anti-Christ

We deny Christ by refusing to allow Christ’s words to govern our thoughts and actions. We deny Christ when we behave as if Jesus is not real. We deny Christ when we refuse to use our position, wealth and political influence in the society advance the cause of Christ.

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