Be a master of your emotions. Do not be pushed into action by your feelings; think of the consequences. You will always regret any decision made in anger. Instead of listening to God, Cain chose evil. After killing his brother, Cain wished he could turn back the hands of time. When God asked about his brother, Cain tried to dodge the question by asking if he was his brother’s keeper. In the end, Cain could not escape his punishment for murder. There is nothing to be gained from sin.
Read MoreJesus calls them “unmarked graves, on which people walk over without realising it” (Luke 11:44). What makes a person an unmarked grave? St. Paul answers this question in today’s first reading by listing these characteristics: “fornication, impurity, licentiousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like.” (Galatians 5:19-21).
Read MoreJesus started with prayer, and all through His public ministry, Jesus never joked with prayer. He would rise early in the morning, go to a quiet place to pray (Luke 4:42), and at the end of the day, after dismissing the crowd, he would go again to a lonely place to pray. (Matthew 14:23, Mark 6:46). He would even spend a whole night praying (Luke 6:12). When you are prayerful, a certain aura goes with you; you don’t need to shout or make noise. Your very presence in any space is already a threat to demons. Jesus did not break a sweat dealing with the demon-possessed man. As we often say: “power pass power.”
Read MoreLearn to mourn over sin. Mourn over the pervasiveness of immorality in our society. If you do not mourn the spread of evil, you will soon find yourself approving it and even seeing it as normal. Develop righteous anger; do whatever is in your power to stop the spread of sin.
Read MoreWhen you are angry for too long, the devil seizes your anger as an opportunity to whisper evil suggestions to you. You find yourself thinking of how to inflict pain on others or wishing something bad happened to them. It is witchcraft to celebrate the downfall of others just because they hurt you in the past.
Read MoreLearn to master your emotions. If you do, you will know when to be silent and when to speak. For example, if Tobit had kept his suspicion to himself, he would have realised later that Anna was telling the truth. Well, it is not easy to be silent when you are annoyed. It takes a lifetime to master your emotions, but it will only happen if you keep trying. Know that anger brings out the worst in you.
Read MoreCan you imagine what our world would look like if God answered such prayers? Be careful of the type of prayer you utter when you are angry. Avoid the error of James and John. Jesus taught us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. On the cross of Calvary, Jesus gave us an example by praying for forgiveness (not consuming fire) for those who killed him.
Read MoreAs we struggle to make progress in our spiritual lives every day, let us realize that every step we make in the right direction pisses off the devil more and more. This is a truth clearly hidden from the worldly-minded; a truth which St. Paul says in our first reading, always sounds like mere gibberish to the unspiritual man.
Read MoreNo matter how angry you are, there is always a way to communicate your pain without regretting later. This skill is called emotional intelligence. It begins by learning to listen deeply to others.
Read MoreIn a moment of temptation, don’t negotiate with the devil; act immediately. Secondly, be prepared. No one engages in a battle with bare hands. Like Mattathias who gathered an army in preparation for King Antiochus, we must prepare our spiritual arsenal through daily prayers and meditation and the practice of holiness.
Read MoreThe Centurion wanted Jesus to simply utter a word. He knew that distance was not a barrier. Indeed, the centurion knew that Jesus is the commander in charge of the universe.
Read MoreStep 1: Go to the person who has hurt you and discuss ONE on ONE with him or her. (Matthew 18:15). Avoid having to tell others without first, this is gossiping and it damages the image of the one who has offended you.
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