We all desire an easy life, but the truth is that “ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” Do not be afraid of embracing hardship, especially when it aims to achieve something good. Do not shy away from the cross. If you are ashamed to identify with Jesus in this world, Jesus would be ashamed of you in heaven. If you desire to true bliss tomorrow, embrace suffering today. The choice is yours to make, whether to follow the beatitudes or to disregard God and face the consequences.
Read MoreIs it possible for satan to speak through a man of God? Yes. The question is not whether it can happen but whether you will be able to sift between the voice of the person and the voice of the devil. This is why we all need to pray for the gift of discernment (the ability to distinguish between spirits).
Read MoreEven though most of the people who approached Jesus for healing got instantaneous healing, this man’s case just happened to be different. I believe this particular story is in the Bible so that we would know that sometimes, God could choose to work things out for us in stages. Yes, there are times we get instant answers, but could it be the case that right now, God may be blessing you little by little without you even noticing it?
Read MoreTrust in God. Do not be distracted by your poverty and lack. Do not worry about your empty stomach or your empty store. Seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first; God will provide abundant bread when needed. (Cf. Matthew 6:33). Let it not be that you participated in evil because you were hungry. God will be so disappointed. Trust that God will provide your needs; pursue righteousness. Dare to be different like Noah.
Read MoreGod reveals His name. When we consider man, we come to terms with our own nothingness. We also studied the bible today. (Exodus 32). God is merciful and gracious.
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